Adult Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Formation Training Available!

About the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children, 3-12 years of age.  It originated in 1954 with the founding of the children’s center or “atrium” in Rome by Sofia Cavalletti, a biblical scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, an educator of children and teachers. Inspired by Montessori principles of education, the catechesis is based on the conviction that God and the child are already in relationship. It beautifully honors the dignity of the child and seeks to foster their relationship with God.

Children hear the Gospel by working with sensorial rich, but simple materials, keyed to scriptural or liturgical moments.  Central to this program is the Atrium, a sacred space prepared for the children.  A place of beauty, the atrium is designed for being with and enjoying God, listening to His Word, and praying.  Everything they are presented is deeply rooted in scripture and liturgy.

3-6 Course Objectives

  • To explore the religious nature and the most vital religious needs of the 3-6 year old child.
  • To present the methodology and guiding principles of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
  • To broaden the catechist’s ability to observe and learn from children, to listen with children to scripture and to deepen the catechist’s enjoyment of God’s presence.
  • To offer guidelines and assistance in preparing the “atrium” environment, developing the catechist’s teaching album, and making catechetical materials.
  • To meditate on the scriptural and liturgical themes presented to the 3-6 year old.

Implementation of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd requires training for adults at each level or age group: Level One focuses on children ages 3-6. The training course features 90 hours of lectures, participation in discussions, lesson presentations, and assistance with preparing materials and the catechist’s album. The Level One course is foundational for all three levels of CGS.   The course will be held at St. Robert Bellarmine in Flushing. The facilities allow for both classroom space and access to a full 3-6 year old atrium.

Level One Training Registration Form

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Catechist Formation: Level One, Part One Formation in Flushing, MI Tuition for Part One is $300. $100 deposit is due on September 12, 2024. Full payment for Part One is due the first day of formation. Cash or check to be sent to St. Robert Bellarmine, Attn: Hannah, 310 N. Cherry St., Flushing, MI 48433.

Step 1 of 2

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