“The Delightful Diggers” of St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church is a gardening ministry. Formed over 2 years ago, we have nearly a dozen members. We invoke the assistance of St. Phocas, the patron saint of “Gardening and Flowers.” The goal of our ministry is to increase the beauty of the grounds that surround our Church and School. We want God’s beauty to shine through in all seasons through His creation of flowers, grasses, ground cover, shrubs, and landscaping.
In the past year, we’ve made some major improvements with plants, trees, stone, shrubs, perennial flowers. We are hoping to add additional changes again this year with more perennials and improvements to the watering system. Please consider joining us. We can always use more help.
Anyone who is interested in helping with this ministry should contact Nancy Morgan on (810) 487-1705.