Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in the Catholic faith? If you, or anyone you know, is interested in learning about the Catholic faith, then our OCIA is for you! Jesus wants you and your loved ones in His Church! The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA) is the means by which the Catholic faith community prepares, welcomes and receives adults into the Catholic Church. Perhaps you or someone you know is considering becoming Catholic and wants to learn more about who Jesus is and more about the Catholic Church. We invite you to contact our parish office to discuss the journey of faith you are on and more about OCIA!

We meet once a week beginning in October, 2024 and will go through May, 2024. This is totally free of cost and you are not committed to anything other than an opportunity to learn more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church!

Inquiry for OCIA

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Introduction to The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA):

OCIA is a process rather than a program. It is meant to inform and form a community of inquirers, sponsors, and guides moving through education and initiation into the life of the Church. Those interested in learning about the Catholic faith come together weekly to learn about the scriptures and the teaching of the Catholic Church, and at the same time, discover where God is present in their lives.

Who is OCIA for? 

  • Those who are not Catholic and who interested in learning more about the Catholic Church
  • Those who have never been baptized and are looking to become Catholic
  • Those who have been baptized as infants or children but who have never received religious formation or the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
  • Those who are Catholic and are interested in learning more about their faith.

The Four Stages of OCIA: 

Period of Inquiry (Pre Catechumenate):
This is a time for

  • asking questions about the Catholic faith
  • examining God’s presence in our lives, past and present
  • learning about prayer and liturgy
  • developing and improving our relationship with God
  • getting to know his church by an introduction to scripture and the teachings of the Catholic faith

Period of Study (Catechumenate):
This is a time for

  • continuing to learn about the basic teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church.
  • ongoing development of prayer life – both individual and communal prayer
  • continuing to break open the Word of God
  • fostering conversion
  • getting to know the parish community

Period of Purification and Enlightenment :
This is a time of reflection – intensely centered on conversion and on preparation to enter the Church for those who have discerned they want to be Catholic. This includes preparation for receiving sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

Period of Post-Baptismal Catechesis and Mystagogy:
This is a time after initiation into the Catholic Church and the receiving of sacraments. This is a time for:

  • unpacking and further examining the gifts of the sacraments received at the Easter Vigil
  • living a sacramental life
  • becoming more involved in the parish and the life of the Church
  • further growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ

To find out more about the OCIA process at St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, email Hannah Marconeri at or call 659-2501.

You can click on the following link to learn more information on OCIA from the United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) Order of Christian Initiation for Adults