What is required of a family receiving the Vocation Crucifix?

Once you have filled out this form, one of our Vocation Committee members will contact you to find out when would be a good month for you to take the Vocation Crucifix.

You will then be assigned a month, and the mass time where you will receive the Vocation Cross. (Vocation Crucifixes are distributed on the First Sunday of every month)

When you receive the Vocation crucifix into your home, you will then be invited to pray a short prayer every day for vocations for the entirety of the month. Some families choose to pray their Vocation Prayers before going to bed, some pray the prayers when they prepare for their day, while others choose to pray them before dinner. Resources are provided, and you can modify the prayers/devotion to fit your family’s schedule.

Some families decide to add praying a rosary to their devotion, which is a wonderful and virtuous practice.

As your month approaches its end, you will be contacted by a Vocations Committee member to coordinate the return of the Vocations Crucifix.

Request the Vocations Crucifix for Your Home!

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