Mr. Colton Goodman
Hello! My name is Colton Goodman, and I will be taking over the role of High School
Youth Minister for St. Robert! I attended St. Robert
School, Powers Catholic High School and just recently graduated from the University of
Michigan – Flint. I’ve been involved with the Youth Group since I was a freshman in high
school and have helped lead small groups and retreats during the last 8 years. I have
also been an Altar Server at St. Robert since grade school.
During the last couple of years, I have helped out with the Powers Catholic Hockey
team, helped to lead Kairos retreats with Powers Campus Ministry, and have been
involved with the Catholic Campus Ministry for U of M-Flint, Kettering, and Mott CC.
I am excited to be taking over the role of Youth Minister as I have enjoyed assisting with
the Youth Group and giving back to a program that helped my own faith formation
immensely. I am equally as excited to step into the role of Director of Evangelization. I
love the St. Robert Parish and wish to see it grow, as well as expand our role in bringing
the love of Christ to the surrounding community.
If you know anyone in grades 9-12 that you feel would be interested in the High School
Youth Group, please feel free to reach out to me with their contact information.
I ask that you please keep both myself and the Youth Group in your prayers!