Art and Environment
As the liturgical seasons of the Church change, so do the decorations and art in the Sanctuary and the Church. We can always use more volunteers for this ministry. If you would like to become involved in this ministry, please click here to email, or call Roni Vanitvelt 810-659-5131.

Council of Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women serves the needs of our parish and community by supporting the following projects, along with many others:
- Preparing and serving funeral luncheons
- Semi-annual CCW general meetings / dinners
- Craft show at Christmas
- National CCW causes such as the annual Madonna Collection
- Providing scholarships for Catholic high school and college-bound students
- Mother’s Day Mass cards
- Maintaining Mass linens
Covered in Prayer
Covered in Prayer Ministry at St. Robert Bellarmine Parish involves the sewing of blankets given to those who are ill or suffering in any way.
Caring volunteers commit to prayer for the recipient as they fulfill their part in the sewing and distribution of the blankets. All blankets are blessed by a priest.

Delightful Diggers
“The Delightful Diggers” of St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church is a gardening ministry. Formed over 2 years ago, we have nearly a dozen members. We invoke the assistance of St. Phocas, the patron saint of “Gardening and Flowers”. The goal of our ministry is to increase the beauty of the grounds that surround our Church and School. We want God’s beauty to shine through in all seasons through His creation of flowers, grasses, ground cover, shrubs, and landscaping.
Homebound Ministry
Many members of St. Robert Bellarmine Parish live in skilled nursing care facilities, assisted care facilities or unable to travel to and from church to attend Mass.
Currently, a core group of Extraordinary Ministers have adopted one or two parishioners to routinely take the Blessed Sacrament to. Most visit weekly or every other week.

Knights of Columbus
Welcome to Flushing Council 8489
Grand Knight: Joseph Cozart
Monthly General Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the K of C Room next to Angel Hall. Please join us!
Parish Pastoral Council
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to enhance the process of pastoral planning, develop pastoral programs, improve pastoral services and evaluate the pastoral effectiveness of the various programs at St. Robert Bellarmine. Please feel free to contact anyone on the Pastoral Council with your concerns or questions.
The mission of the Parish Pastoral Council, as a partner in faith, is to plan and co-ordinate for the spiritual and material needs of the Parish through the various ministries, helping the Parish grow in holiness and promoting life in all its richness.

St. Joseph Guild
The St. Joseph Guild is a new ministry at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Parish. Our initial goal is to assemble a start-up group to begin work on an initial project list, grow the number of projects, and build the volunteer base.
As we gain experience, we would like to develop teams that would provide some of the seasonal services on a regular basis, freeing the maintenance staff to concentrate on the many daily tasks.

Moms’ Group
The St. Robert MOM group exists to develop relationships and foster community among mothers of young children in the Flushing area. We seek to support and encourage one another to deepen our relationship with Christ as we live out our vocation as mothers.

St. Robert Men’s Club
Saint Robert Church Men’s Club was founded in 1954 by Father Jacobs, the pastor, to provide a means for all men of the parish to work together for the support of the Church parish community.
Today, the Men’s Club continues to work to fulfill Father Jacobs’ vision.
The Men’s Club serves the parish in many ways including support for the Saint Robert School athletic program, local youth athletic programs, and Boy Scout Troop #206.